Summary of Events

2024 Summary of Events
YCLPDP - Youth Cultural Language Preservation Discovery Program EXPLORES THE BAPA KINGDOM

Mission: The mission of African Roots and Heritage Foundation is to provide a community outreach programming for preserving Language, Traditional and Cultural Practices through Public Programs through the Youth Cultural and Language Preservation Discovery Program - YCLPDP.

Cultural Program: This is designed by our Youth Coordinator and volunteers to empower the youth with a new frame of thinking. At the end of the calendar year a Certificate of Completion is granted, and the data gathered into an anthology, making it unparalleled to others who offer same or similar courses.


Our public programing includes and is not limited to workshops, seminars and special programs in the Kingdom of Bapa. Our team of All Star Volunteer Scholars shall explore traditional and historical locations enabling an experiential learning experience:

YCLPDP youth are from Cameroon, and Tchad, we are inviting the youth of Bapa to also participate in this event.  We require that they are capable of writing essays with the data they collect during this interview.  They can apply to be a volunteer here: Volunteer Online Application

Calendar of Events and online Meetings

July 5, 2024 - Orientation

July 12, 2024 - Writing Workshop

July 19, 2024 - Writing Workshop Review

July 26, 2024 - Pre Research Briefing

August 10, 2024 - Interview with HIS Majesty and other Notables

August 11, 2024 - Continue to explore historical sites and places of interest

August 17, 2024 - Essays due

August 24, 2024 - Debriefing on YCLPDP Bapa

Theme: Preservation and Transmission of the Bapa Ancestral Traditions and Cultural Heritage:


1) The Heritage “Man, Nature and Beliefs” Museum; its role in safeguarding and promoting the Heritage

2) The Efforts of the Bapa Community to conserve and pass on their ancestral traditions

3) Challenges and issues related to the preservation of this unique Cultural Heritage

4) The social economic, and identity- related impacts preservation

Purpose: To train volunteers in the area of Cultural Preservation and Research while collecting data for the future ARHF Research Center and Museum.  To have an audience with the Paramount Chief and understand the dynamics of being a King and what it means for youth empowerment and future possibilities for youngmen and women.

Date: August 10 - 11, 2024. We will stay one night to maximize our coverage of historical sites, places of interest. This will include an overnight stay.  

Participating Volunteers: Those individuals who have completed their online application and submitted their CV and express the desire to dedicate themselves to the process of research and data collection and write their findings in a publishable article. We prefer college students and seasoned residents/scholar of Bapa. We are striuving to have a minimum of 25 volunteers, comprising of both male and female. We will hold at least 5-7 slots for the residents of Bapa. All volunteers must wear complete uniform that is provided upon their completing the  application and attending the online meetings and signing the Commitment Contract. Volunteer Online Application

Expectations of Volunteers:  each volunteer agrees and signs a contract of committment to research the Kingdom of Bapa before going, and participate in online trainings. This will enable them to be prepared to ask questions and guide their research. To write their findings and observations in a publishable essay of not less than 4 pages, due 7 days after the event. The Chicago style of manual is preferred, but MLA is also acceptable as citing sources. The volunteer also agrees to have his/her original works transcribed into other languages as well as their native language if available.

Become an All Star Volunteer Scholar for the Kingdom of Bapa by completing this online application.

YCLPDP Online Application: 

Sponsors, Partners, Donors 

YCLPDP Explores the Kingdom of Bapa 

YCLPDP explore le royaume bapa 

World Museum Day 2024

*World Museum Day 18- 05- 2024 

Are Museums necessary spaces in today’s world?

In commemoration of World Museum Day, REGARTLESS Foundation organized a panel discussion on the theme "Museums and Decolonization within the context of Neocolonialism". 

The African Roots and Heritage Foundation (ARHF) took part in the panel discussion and interrogated on whether Museums and African traditional cultural spaces have a common ground. This is because African traditional cultural spaces are noted to have overlapping functions and practices at some point with Museums as they both work in their peculiar ways to preserve the history, culture, customs, and traditions of the people. 

However, issues of authenticity and misinformation often arise as some people have the feeling that some tour guides who are not well grounded in the histories and traditional practices of the people might disseminate misleading or distorted information on the history and cultural practices of indigenous people thus offending those who value and practice them. 

Debates around preservation of African traditional culture and history are pertinent and many critics think that documentation could be a major solution thus Africans should take the centre stage and write their own narratives which could be documented in books and online for easy access to a wider public. Africans should reinvent Museums in books and put them in libraries and Internet for easy accessibility and preservation. 

Another focal point is the place of natural science in Museums. Museums should be seen beyond mere objects and artefacts. They should also serve as centres for herbal and African traditional medicinal studies where medicinal plants and indigenous forms of traditional medicine and practices can be studied. Local preservatory methods of art objects in the Museums are equally encouraged in place of chemicals. 

Overall, Museums should not be seen as places of conservation but as avenues for conversations. 

Dr Mbu Dora 

Other notables include:

Elijah Ngong – Carver, a museum practitioner 

Sustainability of African heritage in pre and post-colonial era.

Ndika Tanjong – Director of ST Muna Foundation/museum 

See photos here 

ARHF Annual Luncheon and Awards 2024

African Roots & Heritage Foundation Annual Luncheon and Awards Ceremony was held on March 16, 2024 the ARHF Annual Luncheon and Awards Ceremony was held in Yaounde, Cameroon at the Headquarters in Omnisport.

Special Certificates of Participation were given to the All Star Volunteers and Members who participated in the official launch of the YCLPDP - Youth Cultural Language Preservation Discovery Program at the Kingdom of Okoa under the authority of HRM Nkunkuma Marie Louise Zoa.

Many Certificates of Scholarship were awarded to the All Star Volunteer Scholars who compiled their research on the Kingdom of Okoa into essays, that will later comprise of our first collection of data for the New African Thought Youth Training Institute Research Center and Museum.

Category of Awards includes:

All Star Employee - Jeannette Ndzehngah, - Dr. Mbu Dora, - Dr. Ahmad Bello

All Star Member - Elise Djimoun

All Star Partner - Professor Ceceile Dolisane, University of Yaounde 1

All Star Donors - Valerie Brown Campbell & Derrick Campbell

Indeed a great day of celebrating all the accomplishments obtained in the first 1 year of operating in Yaounde.

The entertainment included the Oroko Dance troop performed an authentic cultural performance.

Patty Fang, Volunteer Scholar, enchanted us with a cultural song.

Melissa Tonji, Official Interpreter, rendered uplifting words and insight into Storytelling, a method of the ancients.

Our notable and special guests were Queen Doris Fobuzie and Mr. Kounchou Feze, owner of Fiia House

With all power, we at the ARHF thank all the staff, volunteers, members, Board of Directors, donors, partners for their role in our collective success. Because none could have been accomplished without your input.

"Keep Shining Your Stars Brightly"

Celebrating Our Heritage, While Confronting the Challenges

Professor Anita M. Diop, Executive Director

See Photos here:

2023 Summary of Events
Global Day of Community Service 2023

December 21, 2023 is the great day to celebrate our Purpose, Mission and Vision at the African Roots and Heritage Foundation. Annually, the African Roots and Heritage Foundation (ARHF) hosts' their Hallmark Public Program the Global Day of Community Service (GDCS) which seeks to aide the less fortunate youth with scholarships, computer equipment, wi-fi routers etc, which enables them to compete in the global market.

ARHF in partnership with the University of Yaounde 1, Department of African Literature and Civilizations, launched an essay contest on the theme of, "The Authenticity of African Literature Written in Colonial Languages." The prizes for the most outstanding essays are desktop computers.

ARHF was inspired to give five desktop computers to the winners of the 2023 season. It came to our attention that the winner from last season did not have a cell phone, tablet or any electronic devise to write and submit his essay. Therefore with this insight we are obliged to get technology into the hands of the youth, fulfilling our motto, "Celebrating Our Heritage, While Confronting the Challenges."

The top five finalist shall receive:

1) Dell desktop computers,  

2)have their essay published in our ARHF's Anthology, and 

3) appear on local on Radio and TV talk shows.

Click here for photos.

Photos of Essay Contestants click here: 




Restitution 101: A History of Theft Premiere & Discussion Session
Pa'a Ngouo'ok Festival and Official Launch of the Grassfields Research Institute

The African Roots and Heritage Foundation’s Executive Director, Professor Anita M. Diop was invited to the official launch on the Grassfields Research Institute as a guest speaker during the Pa’a Ngouo’ok Bapa 2023 Festival. A small delegation comprised of the Assistant Director, Dr. Dora Mbu and the Administrative Assistant, Jeannette Ndzehgah accompanied the ED into the grassfields of the Western Region of Cameroon.  The event took place on November 28, 2023 at the Bapa Museum located in Bapa, Cameroon, Central Africa.  

Among the esteemed guests were Christian Nana, Director of the Blackitude Museum, which is located in Yaounde, Cameroon. Domfang, Andre, Ancien Chef de la communaute Bapa. Andre Kounchou Feze, owner of Fiia, a Restaurant featuring beautiful and cozy Bed and Breakfast that offers free short-term stay for the African Diaspora.  Prince Theophile Theotatsita PMC and other notables. The President for Coordination of the Festival is Dr. Kemmegne Joseph.

Bapa is a small village with large stones and the history has it that it was once a larger land base but is was downsized and rejected by another village taking over.  These stones has a great significance because it bears the name of the Festival.  Pa’a Ngouo’ok which means rejected stones, the people were rejected from the larger group and land mass, therefore rejected and sent to live among the stones.

During the visit to the Kingdom of Bapa the ARHF delegation was granted a meeting with the King, His Majesty Simeu David after a brief introduction of ourselves and our YCLPDP _ Youth Cultural Language Preservation Discovery Program, His Majesty agreed to partner with ARHF for future programs.  

The spokesperson for the Grassfields Research Institute insists that a research institute on the heritage of the Grassfields will therefore allow, beyond the BAPA museum, to make the heritage of the country of the grassfield space an object of study, the aim being to rearm our people and allow them to better root themselves in their past The Grassfield Research Institute will allow its daughters and sons, Researchers and Academics from around the world to appropriate the extent of our socio-cultural and traditional heritage, and to promote it.  It will participate in the enrichment of world heritage and in doing so, contribute to human diversity Academics, Researchers, Students, men and women of culture, festival-goers, Traditional Chiefs, etc. will be at the forefront of this event which will have two major articulations: i) Conference-debates and ii) Visits to exhibitions on works dealing with subjects on  the cultural and traditional heritage of the Grassfields.

 To view Photos click here: 

2022 Summary of Events
AfricanPrincess Elevated to Mafo (Queen)

Professor Anita M Diop, the Executive Director of African Roots and Heritage Foundation has been elevated from the status of African Princess, a title given nearly 30 years ago for her passionate work to uplift, motivate and inspire all people of African descent. Being duly honored by The FO Negou II His Majesty, Negou Tela Guilliame Alain Roi du Peuple Baleng to receive the title of Mafo (Queen) of the Baleng people with all rights, privileges, status and honor and prestige, on November 18, 2022 in the Royal Palace of Baleng, situated in the Western Region of Cameroon.

In all humility, Mafo Anita Marie accepted the honor and with all power uphold the duty and respect of this new office. May every endeavor receive its blessings in her hands.

Click here for photos 

Quartier Mozart Cultural Art Gallery

Professor Anita M. Diop the Executive Director of the African Roots & Heritage Foundation was at Quartier Mozart for the 1916 exhibition, emphasizing when the Germans left Cameroon, and the France came to settle. Anita Diop spent the day in Mozart Neighborhood, she discovered the book by Amadou Djaili Amal WALAANDE which she took a copy of, and is being made into a film. She met the talented artist Beck Beh with whom she talked about theater, and told her script to the Scripto Sensa team in the Writing Room which she hopes to have produced into a film. She discovered the Afrofuturistic concept FOUMBAN IS WAKANDA, she admired the panoramic view of Etam-Bafia neighborhood, visited the 1916 exhibition, ate the ndomba and took hang out with young history researchers. All this at Mozart's Quarter. 

Click here for photos. 

Royaume de Batoufam Chefferie and Royal Museum

The Executive Director, Anita M Diop met with Sa Majeste, Le Roi Nayang Youkam Inocent and Prince Joseph Youta Dada at the Royaume de Batoufam. They discussed the Diaspora discovering their roots and reclaiming their lost identity in Cameroon.

Afterwards, Professor Anita was given a tour of the Palace Museum and Gardens. She learned secret medicinal practices, history of the Batoufam people and their concept of time.

The people of Batoufam practice an Eight day week. That day is set aside for rest and judgement. No work or holidays even funerals cannot be carried out on this day. A cultural gem and treasure, the Batoufam calendar.

Click below for photos: 

2021 Summary of Events
African Academy of Languages

In July 28-30, 2021 Professor Anita M. Diop was appointed the Ambassador of the Sixth Region to ACALAN AU for the Official launch of African Languages Week in Burkina Faso, West Africa.

Legacy Building

The African Roots and Heritage Foundation lead by Professor Anita M. Diop and Executive Director actively participates in many Global Pan African Events as a leading expert in the field of Culture and Arts.

This year started with an annual Birthday Fundraiser in February 2021 with all funds collected and donated for the Global Day of Community Service that provided Tablets and Wi-fi for the Bogso Secondary School in Cameroon.

ARHF hosted their annual Black History Month Program at the Joseph Walker Williams Recreation Center in Detroit, MI on February 11, 2021. she spoke on Katherine Dunham, An African American Cultural Icon and the preservations the formerly enslaved African brought to the new land.

In March 8-11, 2021, she was a guest speaker at the FIBE 2021 Festival at Bogso/Eseka Cameroon Central Africa, speaking on the theme of the Diaspora.

April 23, 2021, she was invited to the Consciousness and Capital show and spoke on the topic of Summer Learning Institute that was established in Tanzania at the Tsuba University.

On May 25, 2021, the Executive Director participated in Africa Day with Twende Afrika as a guest speaker in Uganda. The topic discussed was 'How to empower the Youth".

Professor Anita M Diop is humbled to participate as a panelist with the Historical Africa Cultural Centre USA on the African Union Year 2021 Theme: Art, Culture, and Heritage. July 17, 2021 in a
Virtual Conference.

In July 28-30, 2021 Professor Anita M. Diop was appointed the Ambassador of the Sixth Region to ACALAN AU for the Official launch of African Languages Week in Burkina Faso, West Africa. She presented a paper entitled, "The Importance of Preserving African Language At Home and Abroad".

July 31, 2021 the Executive Director was invited as the Closing Keynote speaker at the First International Conference on Cameroonian Studies and History at the University of Buea, Cameroon, Central Africa. Professor presented a paper entitled, "Reclaiming and the Establishment of the Culture and Identity of Cameroon Historical Diaspora".

While in Cameroon, Professor Anita visited many Kingdoms which was a rich cultural experience. August 14, 2021 she traveled to the Kingdom of Bana to meet the His Royal Majesty Fon Sylvestre SIKAM HAPPI V.

Later that month she traveled to the Fonboun Kingdom and met with His Royal Majesty Sultan Mbombo Njoya with a discussion on repairing the breach between Africans Americans and Cameroon . August 21, 2021.

August 26, 2021 visited the region of Simbock to visit Fobuzie Naah Ndeh Doris. Who is the Queen of Chomba. Chomba is the name of my husband's village. By birth she is from Mankon a neighboring village to Chomba. She works as a Vice Principal in her local school district. Queen fobuzie is from the Ethnic group is Ngemba and it the Location is Bamenda II subdivision of the NorthWest region of Cameroon.

August 31, 2021 meeting with Professor Anita M. Diop meets with Professor Ebenezer Njoh Mouelle, Ancien Ministre Representatant du Cameroon au Conseil Executif de L'Unesco, along with Professor Ceceile Dossaline of University of Yaounde 1. Yaounde, Cameroon Central Africa. Interesting conversations regarding the way forward for Africa. Yaounde, Cameroon.

Keynote speaker

July 31, 2021 the Executive Director was invited as the Closing Keynote speaker at the First International Conference on Cameroonian Studies and History at the University of Buea, Buea Cameroon, Central Africa. Professor presented a paper entitled, "Reclaiming and the Establishment of the Culture and Identity of Cameroon Historical Diaspora".

2020 Summary of Events
TAI - Fourth Annual Artizen Conference

The African Roots and Heritage Foundation participated in the TAI Fourth Annual Artizen Conference in Tanzania at the University of Tasuba in Bagamoyo, From November 10 - 22, 2020 . The Executive Director, Professor Anita M. Diop was a key speaker on the workshop entitled,"The Role of the Gifted Artist.

While visiting Ministry of Women and Children, an orphanage in Zanzibar, Tanzania, ARHF participated in Global Day of Community Service with a sizable donation to help with the orphaned children, particularly Baby Hawa who was only 3 months old at the time of the visit.

We strongly believe in aiding those whose lives we touch, giving them a brighter future.

See Photos here 

Black History Month 2020

The African Roots and Heritage Foundation participated in the Scott Arrington Family Black History Month Program at the Highland Park Art Center in Highland Park, MI on February 16, 2020.

The Executive Director, Professor Anita M. Diop delivered a presentation on the "Importance of Reclaiming Your African Roots" as well as a Photographic Exhibit of her travels to many countries in Africa. Professor Diop was well received by the audience. She delivered her speech in a fiery way and therefore engaged the audience in how to get their DNA results. Afterwards followed a Question and Answer period. 

African Communities Symposium - Heritage, Identities, Languages, and Arts

The African Roots and Heritage Foundation was asked to participate in an online Meeting Hosted by Arizona State University, on November 7, 2020. 

The Executive Director, Professor Anita M. Diop gave a presentation on, "Claiming the Culture and Africa's Identity of the Historical Diaspora and the Establishment of African Identity".